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Well it may sound bit rude to ask a kind of such question, but indeed we need to the answer to be assured of one thing, and that is our mind safety on everything that we daily do. some of the other tend to happen as coincidences but other are bit difficult to decide whether they have happened just as the coincidence and therefore put us into worry. you know what? in Africa, people with just such curiosity goes to witch doctors that they may know what holds their future. with the false telling and sometimes enmity creation between the family members is being planted by these witch-doctors.
  Which is why people tend to be brought around the corner with nothing related to the future that they were after, unknowingly they become servants to the blasphemer(devil), hahahah um, it is sometime big thing to come up with the idea of fate that holds the future, it is because of what fate holds unto us and the total surrounding that we are in, that we grow curiosity toward future.
      um, I know what is it like, to be older is to look for yourself for the remained short while time that we've got and we don't need any kind of bothering from the total surrounding, well that may sound crazy,but that's.
yeah, yeah, it is because of daily decision and that decision always lies on the same side always, that side is ours. we never look around and see how many people that surrounds us will be hurt by the decision we are about to make. you know, it after what we decide that our future is guaranteed or remains unguaranteed.
    Hear this,
               "Sometimes in life we encounter some difficult decision in our daily life, but you know whaT?, we also need sometimes free mind to make decision that will assure our peacefully mind survival during that time of such hard and difficult decision, as well in the decision we have to make in field as geologists, we need free mind to give clear cut of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous textures with proper descriptions"said Gwemela conrad, studying geology.Tokeo la picha la future

so, it is difficult to sort out between two nearly equal choices,but there should be one that is more perfect in this life to guarantee your future, and only through free mind you can do that.
Tokeo la picha la future
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